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Securing Successful Futures for
Young Men in Our Community

We are AIYM – the Atlanta Initiative for Young Men (pronounced "aim").  AIYM is an organization committed to improving the advancement of young men, ages 15-24, in metro Atlanta.  AIYM’s mission is to secure the successful future for these young men by inspiring self-respect through the realization of their greatest talents and the identification of their true purpose.  AIYM promotes achievement in education and continuous development that ultimately results in a secure future in their profession of choice. 

AIYM is preparing for 501c3 status.

Our Work

We Build Leaders

AIYM participants are exposed to career planning, job- readiness preparation and basic financial acumen.  Participants develop their own life plan to help provide a road map for their future.  AIYM participants will be exposed to leading projects that demonstrate critical leadership skills such as teamwork and   strategic thinking. Recreational sports activities build teamwork and character.  Volunteer opportunities provide  a connection to the community and the needs that permeate throughout the lives of our neighbors.  Ultimately, we strive to build leaders for our community!

Get in touch today and get involved in our cause.

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Turn Your Tassel & Vote 
Campaign To Take IT 2020


Hey Georgia Students!! Turning 18 makes one eligible for a powerful right,

The Right to VOTE!

Are you at least 17 1/2 years old?  Are you a high school or college graduate?   

Have a say right now in what's going on in your country, your town. 

Register to vote today! For details visit


Not a Georgia resident learn how you too can join the movement!

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